Romania Travel Insurance

If you are planning a trip to Romania you may highly benefit from our Romania Travel Insurance.

best places to visit in romania


Sighișoara is a city on the Târnava Mare River in Transylvania, Romania.

Sighisoara is one of the best places to visit in Romania due to its beautifully preserved walled town, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. During the 12th century German craftsmen and merchants, known as the Transylvanian Saxons, were invited here by the King of Hungary to settle and defend the frontier. They established a thriving trading town here and created the fortress that visitors come for today. It was later extended in the 14th century and now, every July, a Medieval Festival takes place in the old citadel. The landmark of the city is The Clock Tower – a 64-meter-high tower built in 1556.

Romania Travel Insurance


Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania, as well as the country’s cultural, industrial, and financial center. It is located in the southeast of the country, on the banks of the Dâmbovița River.

Bucharest is a city that combines the old with the new. Visitors might come across a centuries-old building, a modern high rise, and a Communist-style building all in the same block. This modern European capital boasts the largest Parliament building in the world with 3,100 rooms and 12 stories high. Also not to be missed in Bucharest is the old town center with its narrow cobblestone streets and old buildings, including medieval churches.

Romania Travel Insurance



Romania Travel Insurance


The European continent is located completely in the northern hemisphere and mainly in the eastern hemisphere. Europe borders onto the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Mediterranean Sea in the South. There are 50 countries in Europe with a total of more than 748 million people living on the continent in 2021.

Romania Travel Insurance


There are 49 countries in Asia according to the UN. The 10 biggest countries are listed in the right column of this page. Two of the Asian countries, Russia and Turkey, also share part of their territory on the European continent. Additionally there are two countries that only have limited international recognition: State of Palestine and Republic of China/Taiwan and some dependencies. Asia is the most populous continent with more than 4.7 billion people living there. (2022)

Romania Travel Insurance


There are 54 countries in Africa – and 9 dependent territories. More than 1.3 billion people live on the African continent. This means about 15% of the world’s total population live in Africa! Even though Nigeria is only a third of the size of Algeria, it is the most populous country in Africa, with more than 219 million people.

Romania Travel Insurance


There are 23 countries in North America (see list of the ten biggest countries on the right) and 9 dependencies with a total of more than 590 million people living on the continent. Largest Country: Canada. The country is covering almost half the North American continent’s land area. Canada is slightly bigger than the USA and about as big as China.
Romania Travel Insurance


Oceania is in a continental group consisting of 14 countries and includes Pacific islands and Australia. Often Australia is named as a continent, but this means that the many islands and countries except Australia would then be not included. Oceania in fact is mostly ocean and spans a vast area as you can see below.

Romania Travel Insurance

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